Why the registration?
Maintain a registry of persons with special needs in the Municipality of Arroyo so that in the event of an emergency, such as a hurricane, earthquake or other related event, the Municipality of Arroyo will work in conjunction with the Municipal Emergency Management Office of the Municipality of Arroyo or another state or federal agency, as the case may be. However, the Municipality of Arroyo does not guarantee that assistance will be received, nor will it be responsible in any way for any delays that arise regarding the intervention with the registered participant. Completing this questionnaire is completely voluntary .

Residents of the Municipality of Arroyo with special needs who require transportation during an evacuation in the event of an emergency and/or depend on some artificial life system, such as:
Respirator / Ventilator
Intravenous line
Urinary catheters / probes
Oxygen tank
Colostomy / Ileostomy
Oxygen concentrator
Feeding tube