Requirements for issuing proclamations:
One of the objectives of the proclamations is to educate the people on topics that can benefit the community, some in social aspects. The topics of the requested proclamations must be of interest to one or more sectors of our population, and must include updated data.
The request for the issuance of a proclamation must be submitted in this FORM at least sixty (10) business days in advance of the date of interest.
The petitioner must represent a significant sector of the people of Arroyo and must present a suggested draft of the proclamation.
The petitioner must carry out work that has a favorable impact on the citizens of Arroyo, and must submit information or evidence that demonstrates such participation for the benefit of the people.
The petitioner must specify the theme, campaign, program or special activities to be carried out on the occasion of the period recognized by proclamation.
No more than one proclamation will be issued on the same subject (closely related subjects) for different or a single organization.
No more than one proclamation will be issued on the same subject (closely related subjects) on different dates.
The Mayor shall not issue proclamations to private, quasi-private or for-profit individuals or entities, or to any other entities in which there exists or may appear to be a conflict of interest.
Procedures for signing and delivering the proclamation
The Mayor signs the proclamation several days before delivering it, and it does not necessarily mean that he will deliver it in a ceremony.
The Mayor may delegate the issuance and delivery of the proclamation, or both, to the Municipal Secretary or a subordinate.
For greater dissemination of the proclamation, it may be delivered at an activity carried out by the petitioner.
The time, day and place of delivery of the proclamation in a ceremony may vary according to the schedule of the person who is responsible for this function.