Municipal Secretariat
In this department, all contracts for services provided to the municipality are prepared and sent to the Comptroller's Office, such as: professional and artistic services, leasing of municipal properties, machinery and equipment, as well as solid waste, section 8, among others.
In addition, work is done with the auction area, as provided for in laws and regulations.
The Municipal Secretary Department is also the custodian of all documents originating in the different municipal departments. In addition, they maintain the inventory of public documents with their updated amendments. On the other hand, they are responsible for preparing the lists of disposition of public documents.

Mrs. Aixa Amaro Mauras
Municipal Secretary
Physical Address
178 C. Morse, Arroyo, 00714, Puerto Rico
787-839-3500 Ext. 313
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. @ 4:30 p.m.