Human Resources
The Human Resources Office is responsible for ensuring the use and improvement of the capabilities and skills of our employees, governed by the principles of equity, justice, efficiency and productivity, in order to facilitate and support the work of the other administrative and operational units.
The functions performed by this Department are:
-Advising the Mayor, municipal officials and employees on the procedures, rules, laws and regulations applicable to the administration of Human Resources.
-Managing and maintaining updated job classification plans and salary structures, belonging to the career and trust services of the municipality.
-Receiving, studying and classifying job applications. Working with staff appointments, promotions, reclassifications, transfers, layoffs and dismissals.
-Implementing and executing a training plan for municipal staff.
-Organizing and safeguarding employee files, such as: personnel, retirement, assistance and medical records.
-We certify payrolls and all information related to municipal employees, including calculations of accumulated and used licenses.

Mrs. Glenda Rodríguez Vallés
Physical Address
178 C. Morse, Arroyo, 00714, Puerto Rico
787-839-3500 Ext. 314
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. @ 4:30 p.m.