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Powers and Faculties of the Municipal Legislature

Municipal Legislature
Book No. (I) – Municipal Government of the Municipal Code of Puerto Rico, (Act No. 107 of August 14, 2020), in its Chapter (IV), Article (1,020), establishes the following (p. 28): The legislative powers conferred by this code to the municipalities shall be exercised by a Municipal Legislature. The legislature of each of the municipalities shall be composed of the total number of members indicated below, based on the last decennial census:

● (40,000) or more inhabitants | (16) members

● (20, 0000) but less than (40, 0000) inhabitants | (14) members

● Less than (20,000) inhabitants | (12) members

Election of the Municipal Legislature
Book No. (I) – Municipal Government of the Municipal Code of Puerto Rico, (Law No. 107 of August 14, 2020), in its Chapter (IV), Article (1,022), establishes the following (p. 28 – 29):
(a) The members of the Municipal Legislatures will be elected by the direct vote of the voters of the corresponding municipality in each general election, for a term of four (4) years, counted from the second Monday of January of the year following the general election in which they are elected and will exercise the functions of their positions until the second Monday of the month of January following the general election.
(b) Political parties may only nominate thirteen (13), eleven (11) and nine (9) candidates to the Municipal Legislatures composed of sixteen (16), fourteen (14) and twelve (12) members respectively.
(c) The State Election Commission shall declare elected from among all the candidates, the thirteen (13), eleven (11) and nine (9) who have obtained the greatest number of direct votes. In the event that a tie arises to determine the last position among those who will be elected by direct vote, the order in which they appear on the ballot, from top to bottom, shall be used to determine who will be elected. The three (3) remaining members of each of the Municipal Legislatures shall be elected from among the candidates of the two (2) main parties opposite to the one to which the majority of the Municipal Legislators elected by direct vote belong.
(d) The Secretary of State of Puerto Rico shall review the total number of members that comprise the Municipal Legislatures after each decennial census, beginning in the year 2010. The determination of the Secretary of State shall govern the general elections held after each review. The Secretary shall notify the State Elections Commission of said determination and it shall be made public for general knowledge.


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